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Page last updated or reviewed: Sept 15, 2022 (review only)
2022 status: Changes have been minimal since these photos were taken and these photos are still accurate.
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High resolution Looking north from the Blackburn overpass. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution Looking north from the Fitzhugh overpass. (Photo date: 20-October-2007)
High resolution Looking north at Knox/Henderson. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
Architectural enhancement on the Knox/Henderson overpass. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
Plaque on the Knox/Henderson overpass commemorating the completion of construction of this section. Section S1 was from Spur 366 (Woodall Rodgers Freeway) to north of Monticello. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
Architectural enhancement on the Mockingbird overpass. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
Plaque on the Mockingbird overpass commemorating the completion of construction of this section. Section S2 was from north of Monticello to north of Lovers Lane. The contract was awarded in July 1993 for $105.5 million. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution Looking north from the Yale overpass. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution Looking north from the Caruth Haven overpass, with Loop 12/Northwest Highway just ahead. (Photo date: 20-October-2007)
High resolution Looking north from the east side of the Loop 12/Northwest Highway overpass. (Photo date: 20-October-2007)
High resolution Looking north from the the Loop 12/Northwest Highway overpass. (Photo date: 20-October-2007)
Decorative structure along the southbound frontage road at the Loop 12/Northwest Highway overpass. (Photo date: 20-October-2007)