Driving Views
High Five Interchange
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Page last updated or reviewed: February 1, 2018 (review only)
2018 status: These photos are still accurate. The paint on the ramps and pillars has faded and no longer looks as good as shown in these photos.
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Approaching the High Five from the south. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
(Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
Underneath Interstate 635. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
North of Interstate 635. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
(Photo date: 10-March-2007)
"Wishbone" HOV connection structure north of the interchange. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)