S.M. Wright Freeway Relocation
New section between existing US 175 and IH 45
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Page last updated or reviewed: June 4, 2017 (create), Sept 12, 2020 (update status)
This section of freeway connecting to IH 45 opened in July 2020.
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Looking west near US 175. (Photo date: 9-April-2017)
Looking west near US 175. (Photo date: 9-April-2017)
Looking east from South Lamar, with US 175 visible in the distance. (Photo date: 9-April-2017)
Looking west at South Lamar (Photo date: 9-April-2017)
Looking west at South Lamar (Photo date: 9-April-2017)
This is the concrete form with the pattern used on the piers. (Photo date: 9-April-2017)