I-20 Ranger Hill Construction
West of Fort Worth
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Page last updated or reviewed: March 19, 2018 (created), April 14, 2018 (add photos)
This $76.2 million constuction project about 75 miles west of Fort Worth will reduce the existing steep grade. Photos taken March 19, 2018, and April 10, 2018.
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High resolution Looking west from the SH 16 bridge. (Photo date: 19-March-2018)
High resolution Looking west (Photo date: 19-March-2018)
High resolution Looking west, with the existing highway on the right side of the photo. (Photo date: 19-March-2018)
High resolution (Photo date: 19-March-2018)
High resolution (Photo date: 19-March-2018)
High resolution (Photo date: 19-March-2018)
High resolution Driver's view going eastbound. (Photo date: 19-March-2018)
High resolution On the top of the hill looking east (Photo date: 19-March-2018)
High resolution View of construction on the top of the hill, looking east (Photo date: 10-April-2018)
High resolution View of construction on the top of the hill, looking east (Photo date: 10-April-2018)
Driver's view going eastbound on the existing highway (Photo date: 19-March-2018)
High resolution Driver's view going eastbound near the bottom of the hill (Photo date: 19-March-2018)